Understanding Women Empowerment in India

A Pakistani female education activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai said that “No struggle can ever succeed without women participation side by side with men. There are two powers in the world. One is the sword, one is the pen. There is a third power, stronger than both, that of women” The overall growth of any country depends on women. As per the above quote, it can be said that the joint participation of men and women can solve any problem easily. India is a rapidly growing economy and expected to continue this growth over the next decade. Despite India’s economic development, girls and women find themselves at the tail end of this growth. However, women constitute the majority of the population; but Indian women face challenges from the societal perceptions of gender roles. The consequences of the discrimination and gender inequality are far-reaching. To address these situations, the government is taking many steps towards women empowerment in India . Th...